Choosing aggegate for your driveway

When choosing aggregate for your driveway, there a few things that you'll you need to consider -

1. Is it an existing driveway that you are looking to 'touch-up'?

2. Does the driveway need any reinforcing to give it a bit more strength?

3. What look are you ultimately going for?

If you have an existing unsealed driveway, the likelihood is that you already have some sort of aggregate or metal down on the surface as a base. If that is the case, you may only need  a layer of aggregate to touch up the appearance. If so, consider a product like GAP20. This isn't too chunky and will compact down nicely over time without the need for heavy machinery.

Converesly, if you like a loose metal look, something like a graded chip will work.

If its a new driveway you are looking to put down or your existing driveway is starting to show signs of wear and tear (potholes, depressions), you may need to put down a layer of GAP65 first. GAP65 can be 'boney' so you'll need to ensure you have a way to compact the material down after laying it. Further more,  you'll likely want a further layer of GAP20 on top to ensure a tidy finish.

If you are considering concrete as an option, you'll need a layer of basecourse down first. In that instance a GAP40 is likely what you'll need. Similarly, if you are planning on keeping the surface unsealed and and have a good, firm base, a nice compacted (and rolled) GAP40 can achieve the same result as a combiation of GAP65 and GAP20.

Just ensure the product is well mixed and has plenty of fines in it.

As always, we recommend speaking to a civil contractor or other simiarly qualified trades person before undertaking any work.

Have a read of our other blog to understand GAP products and other terms like 'fines' and 'boney'.

For more information, feel free to get in touch.

The Team at